The latest winter dresses 2013 with embroidered in linen by Shriq Textile proudly launched. Today, every girls has the highest sense of fashion and she also understand the value of latest fashion and style in her life and she can do anything to make herself center of eye. The collection includes the high class embroidered shalwar kameez dresses which especially used in Pakistan, Bangladesh , India has been nourished with star, motifs and lace stip work. The trend of embroidered dersses has been previled from last 5 years but the most popular are hte designer embroidered dresses. 

 Shariq Textile dessigner embroidered linen collection for the winter of 2013 is launched today under the brand name of Rabea Designer collection. In Pakistan and India there are lots of new brands and designers have jumped in designing and fashion world. I have lot of threads posts here at fashionsdresstyle about Shariq Textile but i want to tell you more as more about Shraiq Textile works and latest brands with hardwork designers because shariq textile are doing great and awesome work in fashion world. Lets see ahead Rabea's Embroidered Linen and winter collection.

 Linen Embroidered Collection 2013 Exclusive Embroidered winter collection by shairq textile, traditional and fit for girls and women form all walks of life for all oceasns like , parties, weddings, Engagement Ceremonys, Evening wears, casuals, formal dresses fashion 2013.


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